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Delia Teresa Sponza and Osman Nuri Agdag, Microbial Technology 36200525 3 Journal of Environmental Engg. , 2004. 4. M. de Bertoldi, G. Vallini and A. The results are shown in Table 2. The data in Table 2 show that, although matlab programming common errors and mistake regular deviations of matlab programming lots of methods decrease after matlab sure amount of noise is added, matlab programming method proposed during this paper gifts matlab programming smallest shrink, and matlab programming error regular deviation changes matlab programming least. This result further demonstrates matlab programming robustness of matlab programming calibration method proposed during this paper. This paper focuses on matlab programming flaking challenge of mural artwork in Kaihua Temple from matlab programming Song Dynasty. Through matlab programming intensive analysis and study of matlab programming color, saturation, chroma, brightness and other features of matlab programming flaking area, this paper proposes an automatic calibration method in line with matlab programming TS RG set of rules for flaking images in murals. In matlab programming MATLAB platform, matlab programming automatic identity and calibration of flaking deterioration in historic temple murals were realized, thereby laying matlab programming foundation for matlab programming digital healing of murals and playing matlab helping role in promoting matlab programming digital coverage of historic cultural heritage. The drill stem will be resting on matlab programming bottom of matlab programming hole or on matlab programming platform with matlab programming stem secured to matlab programming mast before. Flow development via HP and LP turbines, Part II: Effects of matlab programming hub endwall secondary sealing ventilation on matlab programming turbine’s mainstream flowAlthough many literatures were concentrated on matlab programming underneath flow and loss mechanism, very few experiments and simulations were done under matlab programming engines’ representative working situations or considering matlab programming real cavity architecture as matlab whole. This paper aims at understanding matlab programming goal of design of efficient turbine and scrutinizing matlab programming velocity distribution in matlab programming place of matlab programming rim seal. With matlab programming aid of numerical method, matlab numerical model describing matlab programming flow pattern both in matlab programming purge flow spot and within matlab programming mainstream flow path is based, fluid migration and its accompanied flow mechanism within matlab programming sensible cavity structure with rim seal architecture and considering mainstream and secondary air flow’s interaction is used to evaluate both matlab programming flow sample and matlab programming underneath flow mechanism within matlab programming inward rotating cavity. Meanwhile, matlab programming below flow and loss mechanism are also studied in matlab programming current paper. The computational results show that matlab programming sealing air flow’s ingestion and ejection are highly interwound with one another in both upstream and downstream flow of matlab programming rim seal.